Obscure WWE Theme songs that should be re-used

Publish date: 2024-05-02
I saw that video and had the same thought about theme songs that would have been better on current WWE guys than who previous had it. For the most part I don't think these would work for obvious reasons, but here it goes.

Drew McIntyre's "Broken Dreams" for Randy Orton - I liked Randy's first post-evolution theme, but "Voices" is a little kitschy - like a late 80's hair band song. Broken Dreams was pretty awesome and fits Randy's stalking ring personality.

Chris Benoit's "Whatever" for Dean Ambrose - Obviously this song will never be used or acknowledged again (sucks since it was one of the few from a real band). It's basically a better variant of Ambrose's current generic theme that has some decent/applicable lyrics.

Val Venis' Theme for Dolph Ziggler - Would never happen in PG, but would be an entertaining character refresh to play off porn's joking overtures to Ziggler by having him take up Val's mantle. Some might think it insulting to saddle a great wrestler with a gimmick, but he has never fully gotten over and while he is good on the mic, is somewhat vanilla. This gimmick would play off the cocky (no pun intended) personality Dolph does best, and make him a really entertaining heel that people would pull for. (Disclaimer: Recently YouTube's Val Venis clips and forgot how entertaining some of his promos/feds were).
