Is Amna Muheisen an ABA therapist? Calls Hamas freedom fighters

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Amna Muheisen: In this article, we are going to learn about one of the most trending women of the current time, Amna Muheisen. Amna is one of the most trending women online. She has recently given a statement in which she has called Hamas freedom fighters. So now in this article, we are going to learn who is Amna Muheisen. What she has clearly said in her statement. On the internet, there is some speculation that Amna Muheisen is a therapist. So we are also going to learn that she is an ABA therapist. So read this article till the end.

Who is Amna Muheisen?

Amna Muheisen is in the headlines right now. Her name is making sounds on several social media platforms. She is a well-educated woman who has a lot of knowledge about the world. By profession, she is an ABA therapist. She specializes in working with children. Now to know everything about her recent controversy, just scroll down to the next paragraph of this article.

Amna Muheisen’s Recent Statement

Recently Amna Muheisen has given a shocking statement. She stated a response to a Jewish user on Instagram. In her response, she wrote, “No, I don’t [condemn Hamas]. Now kiss my Palestinian ass. They’re called freedom fighters. Now go be the pig u are.” She is a well-educated autism therapist who is mostly famous for working with children. Keep reading this article in the next paragraph of this article.

Amna Muheisen Controvercial Comment

In the last paragraph, you read about the shocking statement of Amna Mueisen which she gave in response to Jewish users of Instagram. So her statement has become very controversial right now. It has been claimed that the refusal to condemn the actions of Hamas, a Palestinian militant group considered a terrorist organization by several countries. Instead, she labels them as “freedom fighters,” a term often associated with those advocating for independence or resistance.

The biggest issue is the offensive language. The offensive language in her comment and the dismissal of concerns regarding Haas have raised ethical considerations such as giving her a role as an ABA therapist working for children. The work of an ABA therapist is to adhere to professional standards, tolerance, and cultural sensitivity. This shocking incident has now raised discussions about the importance of separating personal views from professional responsibility also there is a need for a person in influential roles for example as a rapist working with children to maintain a good neutral and unbiased stance.

