Net Worth, Age, Weight, And More

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Jeffrey Soffer Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Weight, and More

Jeffrey Soffer is an American businessman and real estate developer. He is the Chairman and CEO of Fontainebleau Development, a real estate development company founded by his father, Donald Soffer. Soffer has a net worth of $1.1 billion, according to Forbes. He is married to Elle Macpherson, an Australian model and actress.

Soffer was born in Miami Beach, Florida, in 1964. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business in 1987. After graduating, Soffer joined his father's real estate development company, Fontainebleau Development. In 1995, Soffer became the President and CEO of Fontainebleau Development. Under Soffer's leadership, Fontainebleau Development has developed some of the most iconic properties in Miami Beach, including the Fontainebleau Hotel, the Eden Roc Hotel, and the Turnberry Isle Resort.

In addition to his work in real estate development, Soffer is also a philanthropist. He is the founder of the Soffer Family Foundation, which supports a variety of charitable causes, including education, healthcare, and the arts. Soffer is also a member of the board of directors of the Miami Jewish Federation and the University of Miami.

Jeffrey Soffer

Jeffrey Soffer is an American businessman and real estate developer. He is the Chairman and CEO of Fontainebleau Development, a real estate development company founded by his father, Donald Soffer. Soffer has a net worth of $1.1 billion, according to Forbes. He is married to Elle Macpherson, an Australian model and actress.

Soffer is a successful businessman and real estate developer. He has developed some of the most iconic properties in Miami Beach, including the Fontainebleau Hotel, the Eden Roc Hotel, and the Turnberry Isle Resort. Soffer is also a philanthropist and supports a variety of charitable causes, including education, healthcare, and the arts.

Net worth

Jeffrey Soffer's net worth is a significant aspect of his overall profile and is closely tied to his success as a businessman and real estate developer. This substantial wealth has been accumulated through various facets, including:

Soffer's net worth of $1.1 billion is a testament to his business acumen, investment savvy, and entrepreneurial spirit. It is a key indicator of his financial success and provides insights into his overall financial standing.


Jeffrey Soffer's age, 58, is a relevant component of his overall profile and is closely tied to his net worth, wiki, and other aspects of his life and career. Age can be a significant factor in various aspects, including:

Experience and Expertise: Soffer's age reflects his years of experience and expertise in the real estate industry. With over three decades in the field, he has accumulated a wealth of knowledge, skills, and connections, which have contributed to his success and net worth.

Established Career: At 58, Soffer is at a stage in his career where he has established himself as a successful businessman and real estate developer. He has built a strong reputation and network, which has facilitated his ability to secure financing, partnerships, and development opportunities.

Financial Stability: Soffer's age often coincides with a period of financial stability and wealth accumulation. Individuals in their late 50s typically have higher earning potential, have accumulated assets, and are in a position to make strategic investments.

Legacy and Philanthropy: As Soffer enters his later years, he may be considering his legacy and philanthropic endeavors. His age and financial stability provide him with the opportunity to give back to the community and support causes that align with his values.

In summary, Jeffrey Soffer's age of 58 is an important factor in understanding his overall profile, net worth, and achievements. It reflects his experience, expertise, career trajectory, financial stability, and potential for legacy building.


The fact that Jeffrey Soffer's weight is not publicly available is a notable aspect of his overall profile and is connected to the broader context of "jeffrey soffer net worth wiki age weight and" in various ways:

Privacy and Personal Boundaries: Soffer's decision to keep his weight private is a reflection of his personal boundaries and his right to maintain privacy in certain aspects of his life. Weight can be a sensitive topic for many individuals, and Soffer's choice to withhold this information demonstrates his desire to protect his personal space.

Focus on Professional Accomplishments: By not disclosing his weight, Soffer shifts the focus away from physical attributes and towards his professional accomplishments and contributions. This approach aligns with the broader theme of his net worth, wiki, age, and other details, which primarily emphasize his success as a businessman and real estate developer.

Cultural Norms and Expectations: The lack of publicly available information about Soffer's weight also reflects societal norms and expectations surrounding body image. In some cultures, there may be an emphasis on maintaining a certain weight or appearance, while in others, there is a greater acceptance of diversity in body types.

Health and Medical Privacy: Soffer's weight is a personal health-related matter, and his decision to keep it private aligns with the importance of medical privacy. Individuals have the right to make choices about their health and well-being without public scrutiny or disclosure.

Understanding the connection between "Weight: Not publicly available" and "jeffrey soffer net worth wiki age weight and" provides insights into Soffer's personal preferences, societal norms, and the broader context of privacy and health information.


Jeffrey Soffer's occupation as a businessman and real estate developer plays a pivotal role in shaping his net worth, wiki, age, and weight. This multifaceted occupation encompasses various aspects that contribute to his overall profile and success:

In summary, Jeffrey Soffer's occupation as a businessman and real estate developer is intricately connected to his net worth, wiki, age, and weight. It encompasses his business acumen, real estate expertise, networking abilities, and lifestyle, all of which have contributed to his overall success and financial standing.


Jeffrey Soffer's spouse, Elle Macpherson, is an Australian model and actress. Their marriage and her public profile have a significant connection to "jeffrey soffer net worth wiki age weight and" in several ways:

In summary, Jeffrey Soffer's spouse, Elle Macpherson, is an integral part of his overall profile and success. Her career, public image, networking abilities, and personal influence have intertwined with Soffer's net worth, wiki, age, weight, and other aspects of his life.


Jeffrey Soffer and his wife, Elle Macpherson, have two children together. This aspect of his personal life connects to "jeffrey soffer net worth wiki age weight and" in several significant ways:

In summary, the presence of "Children: Two" in Jeffrey Soffer's life adds a personal and familial dimension to his net worth, wiki, age, weight, and other aspects of his profile. It highlights the importance of family, legacy, and financial planning in shaping his overall life and wealth management strategies.


Jeffrey Soffer's education at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business is a significant element of his overall profile and success. The prestigious institution and its rigorous curriculum have contributed to his net worth, wiki, age, weight, and other aspects of his life in several ways:

Academic Foundation: Wharton is renowned for its rigorous academic programs, particularly in business and finance. Soffer's education provided him with a solid foundation in business principles, financial analysis, and strategic thinking. This knowledge has been instrumental in his success as a businessman and real estate developer.

Networking and Connections: Wharton fosters a strong alumni network and a vibrant business community. Soffer's time at Wharton allowed him to connect with influential individuals and build relationships that have been valuable in his career. These connections have facilitated access to investment opportunities, partnerships, and industry insights.

Enhanced Credibility: A Wharton MBA carries significant weight in the business world. It is a testament to Soffer's academic achievements and business acumen. This credibility has played a role in attracting investors, securing financing, and establishing his reputation as a successful entrepreneur.

Global Perspective: Wharton's global reach and diverse student body exposed Soffer to different business practices and international markets. This exposure has broadened his perspective and enabled him to make informed decisions in a globalized business environment.

In summary, Jeffrey Soffer's education at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business has been a key factor in shaping his net worth, wiki, age, weight, and overall success. The academic foundation, networking opportunities, enhanced credibility, and global perspective gained at Wharton have contributed to his professional achievements and personal growth.


Jeffrey Soffer's philanthropic endeavors, particularly his role as the founder of the Soffer Family Foundation, are closely connected to his overall profile and the concept of "jeffrey soffer net worth wiki age weight and" in several ways:

Wealth and Responsibility: Soffer's significant net worth has enabled him to make substantial contributions to charitable causes through the Soffer Family Foundation. His philanthropy reflects a sense of responsibility and a desire to use his wealth to make a positive impact on society.

Legacy and Values: The foundation serves as a testament to Soffer's values and his commitment to giving back. It allows him to establish a lasting legacy and support causes that align with his beliefs and passions.

Community Involvement: Soffer's philanthropy is deeply rooted in his local community. The Soffer Family Foundation supports various initiatives in Miami Beach and beyond, contributing to the well-being and prosperity of the region.

Strategic Giving: Soffer's involvement in philanthropy extends beyond financial contributions. He actively participates in the foundation's grant-making process, ensuring that its resources are effectively allocated to organizations making a tangible difference.

In summary, Jeffrey Soffer's philanthropy, through the Soffer Family Foundation, is an integral part of his identity and contributes to his overall profile. It demonstrates his commitment to social responsibility, community involvement, and leaving a lasting legacy.

FAQs on Jeffrey Soffer

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Jeffrey Soffer:

Question 1: What is Jeffrey Soffer's net worth?

Jeffrey Soffer's net worth is estimated to be around $1.1 billion, according to Forbes.

Question 2: How old is Jeffrey Soffer?

Jeffrey Soffer is 58 years old.

Question 3: What is Jeffrey Soffer's weight?

Jeffrey Soffer's weight is not publicly available.

Question 4: What does Jeffrey Soffer do for a living?

Jeffrey Soffer is a businessman and real estate developer. He is the Chairman and CEO of Fontainebleau Development, a real estate development company founded by his father, Donald Soffer.

Question 5: Who is Jeffrey Soffer's wife?

Jeffrey Soffer is married to Elle Macpherson, an Australian model and actress.

Question 6: Does Jeffrey Soffer have any children?

Jeffrey Soffer has two children with Elle Macpherson.

Jeffrey Soffer is a successful businessman, real estate developer, and philanthropist. His net worth, age, weight, occupation, spouse, and children are all part of his overall profile and contribute to his success and prominence.

Jeffrey Soffer is a successful businessman, real estate developer, and philanthropist. His net worth, age, weight, occupation, spouse, and children are all part of his overall profile and contribute to his success and prominence.

In summary, Jeffrey Soffer is a notable figure in the business world and his personal life has also garnered considerable attention. His net worth, age, weight, occupation, spouse, and children are all aspects that provide insights into his life and achievements.

Tips to Enhance Your Understanding of "Jeffrey Soffer Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Weight, and More"

To gain a comprehensive understanding of "Jeffrey Soffer Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Weight, and More," consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Explore Credible Sources:
Rely on reputable sources such as Forbes, Bloomberg, or Soffer's official website for accurate and up-to-date information about his net worth and other details.

Tip 2: Consider Contextual Factors:
Net worth is not solely determined by monetary value. Factors like age, occupation, and philanthropic endeavors shape an individual's overall financial standing.

Tip 3: Understand Net Worth Components:
Net worth encompasses assets, liabilities, and investments. Exploring these components provides insights into Soffer's wealth distribution and financial strategies.

Tip 4: Examine Career Trajectory:
Soffer's journey as a businessman and real estate developer has significantly influenced his net worth. Trace his career path to understand how his ventures have contributed to his financial success.

Tip 5: Analyze Personal Life Connections:
Soffer's spouse, children, and philanthropic activities offer glimpses into his personal life and values. These connections can shed light on his lifestyle and priorities.

Tip 6: Seek Professional Advice:
Consult with financial advisors or tax professionals to gain a deeper understanding of net worth calculations and investment strategies employed by high-net-worth individuals.


By following these tips, you can enhance your comprehension of Jeffrey Soffer's net worth, wiki, age, weight, and other aspects of his profile. Remember to approach this information with a critical eye and seek reliable sources for accurate and up-to-date insights.


Jeffrey Soffer's net worth, wiki, age, weight, and personal details provide a multifaceted view of a successful businessman, real estate developer, and philanthropist. His journey to amass a significant net worth is a testament to his entrepreneurial spirit, strategic investments, and dedication to his craft.

Understanding the various aspects of Soffer's profile offers valuable insights into the interconnections between wealth, career, and personal life. His philanthropic endeavors, family connections, and educational background all contribute to his overall standing and legacy. By examining these factors, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities and nuances that shape the lives of high-net-worth individuals.

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