The Dark Side Of Dubai Instagram Stars: What Is The Dark Side Of Instagram Stars In Dubai?

Publish date: 2024-05-06

The Dark Side Of Dubai Instagram Stars

The newspaper begins the investigation by discussing one of the influences who lives in Dubai, where it displays pictures of its luxurious lifestyle. But her real job appears to be quite different to a businessman who introduced himself as a friend of a friend. "Do you pay for gifts?" 4,000 euros. "Yes or no," she replied almost immediately after he messaged her privately on Instagram. "Last night, I had 10,000. Do you believe you're so famous and attractive that you get a discount?" According to the newspaper, this discussion demonstrates the dark side of Dubai. With the winter sun, the lack of income tax, and easy visas, thousands of influencers have arrived in recent years, flooding social media with content.

About Dark Side Of Dubai

More than 12 interviews with influencers, sex seekers, and people close to them revealed that some influencers finance their lifestyles by trading sex for thousands of pounds per night, according to the investigation. According to one of the influencers, the higher the return on social media, "because they have many followers, they get paid more, and the payment for them may be in the form of flights, jewellery, bags... and of course cash." They are paid a minimum of $5,000 per week and can earn up to $20,000 on weekends. The paper cites another woman's testimony, in which she claims she can bring clients to the apartment she owns in a hotel complex, where rents can reach £5,000 per month.

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What Is The Dark Side Of Dubai Instagram Stars?

According to the newspaper, social media has become critical in how Dubai is presented to a global audience. The Emirati government has rolled out the red carpet for influencers, paying many for their support. Some influential people have been granted "golden visas," ten-year renewable residency permits. According to the newspaper, prostitution has always existed in Dubai with the official support of the ruling authorities. However, it demonstrates that the sex trade has thrived in Dubai, even though it is illegal in the UAE. However, some people find advertising cards for girls who offer "massage" services in certain areas on their cars. According to one expatriate businessman in the UAE, "it's increasing." 

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