The Major Health Scare That Changed Everything For Hallmark Star Cameron Mathison

Publish date: 2024-05-06

In September 2019, Cameron Mathison announced that he would be undergoing surgery after a tumor was found on his right kidney, which turned out to be cancerous. The "All My Children" star made the announcement via Instagram, writing, "About a month ago, I had an MRI for some gut issues I've been having, and during that MRI they found a tumor on my right kidney. It's consistent with Renal Cell Carcinoma ... or kidney cancer." Fortunately, the cancer had not spread to any other organs in his body and was caught by his doctors in its early stages. "They say my healthy lifestyle and diet has no doubt helped keep it from growing and spreading to other areas, as doctors think it's been growing in me for minimum 10 years," he shared. "I am extremely lucky that we found it early."

A week after his announcement, Mathison underwent partial nephrectomy, which is a type of surgery where only the cancerous tumor was removed rather than the entire kidney, per American Cancer Society. In an update to his fans, the Canadian actor happily shared that the procedure "went very well." "The tumor is gone and I even got to keep 80% of my kidney. We are all optimistic," he added. Speaking to Us Weekly in 2020, Mathison said he had recovered fully from the surgery and was in a much better condition. "My immune system is certainly coming back and I'm just super, super grateful. [I'm] full of energy and, you know, getting tests done and everything," he said. "I'm doing really well."
