Logan Paul Claps Back At Twitter Community Notes for Shading His CryptoZoo Buyback Program

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Logan Paul is no stranger to getting attention in the media. His CryptoZoo project made a lot of promises, and they did not deliver. Now, we are getting even more information about the situation from Logan Paul himself.

Logan Paul was involved in CryptoZoo scam in 2021, and now he is dealing with the aftermath as more critics are coming out about his response. As a class-action lawsuit continues, Logan Paul has issued buyback program, but there is a lot to unpack in this story.

It didn’t take long for some people to shade Logan Paul’s efforts. It appears that Twitter didn’t agree that Logan is doing either, either. Logan Paul saw even more Twitter community corrections that he had to address, as he made it clear that investors of CryptoZoo did not lose their money to Logan Paul at all.

I’ll have to keep correcting @CommunityNotes and @HelpfulNotes “Preventing them from regaining all the money they lost to Logan” is horribly incorrect. I’ve stated multiple times this money was stolen from the community by bad actors, not me. It’s outlined in the lawsuit that I’ve filed in federal court (linked above). Another flaw: “The only utility of $ZOO was to purchase NFTs for the CryptoZoo game. Since this was never released, 88% of the money invested in CryptoZoo was lost.” CryptoZoo didn’t take any outside investment. An egg NFT cost 0.1 Eth. You didn’t need $ZOO to get one. There would’ve been no reason to spend more than a few hundred dollars if people really wanted to play, let alone $16M (a fabricated number). That’s why I’m offering to buy back NFTs from PLAYERS for the purchase price. Isn’t the point of this system to verify and promote FACTS, not erroneous information?

There are many reasons why Logan Paul’s critics are speaking out about his buyback program. Not only is the price of ETH not what it used to be in 2021, but his buyback program only applies to those who didn’t sell their NFTs, and the ZooCoin situation is not a part of it.

We will have to see how things pan out for Logan Paul. At this point, there are a lot of opinions going around about his CryptoZoo project, one that he backed in a big way and promoted on his podcast and on social media.

Keep checking back with Ringside News for more on this story, and so many more, from the entire pro wrestling world.

What’s your take on Logan Paul’s CryptoZoo situation? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
