The History Of NYC's Infamous Five Points Explained

Publish date: 2024-05-07

With gangs vying for political power in the neighborhood, Five Points was sometimes overwhelmed with fighting in the streets. These riots sometimes spread to the rest of the city, sending New York into chaos.

As explained in "Five Points," in 1857, riots broke out over the re-election of Mayor Fernando Wood. Despite the conflict, Wood took office, but his political rivals passed new legislation specifically to target the mayor and his supporters. These included disbanding the city police to be replaced by one that was controlled by a board appointed by the state. The new police department was created, but Wood wouldn't disband the original police force. At one point, on the City Hall steps, the two police forces had an all out brawl. Ultimately, Wood was forced to remove the old police force, and on the morning of the 4th of July, a massive riot occurred. The various Five Points gangs turned out, with the Dead Rabbits (or maybe the Roach Guards) fighting the Bowery Boys.

The New York City Draft Riots also grew out of tensions between the Black and Irish populations of the Five Points. As explained by CUNY BCC, Black and Irish Five Pointers were in competition for the few low paying jobs available to them. After the Civil War began, many Irish men living in New York City were called for the draft. They were furious that they were going to be forced to fight, and they took that rage out on the Black citizens of Five Points.
