Pagan Altars: Beginners Guide

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Updated: June 18, 2022

Altars are a focal point for many religions. A place of sacred space. Creating an altar is one way for you to create and invite magic into your home.

For pagans, an altar is a place in your home where you will practice your religion. It is a place where you can connect with higher powers. Your alter is a living thing that enhances your spiritual walk.

Your altar represents you. Bring to your altar things that are meaningful and express your creativity. There is no right or wrong.

This article will guide you through setting up a basic pagan altar, how to get started, placement, and what supplies you need.

Afterward, if you are specifically interested in Norse Paganism you can check out our article

How To Set Up A Norse Pagan Altar


Where Should I Place My Altar?

You can place the altar anywhere. In a bedroom, living room, or even in a closet. If you are a young witch and still in the broom closet you may make a small portable altar you can take with you to a private place.

Traditionally the altar is along an east or northern wall or in the center of the room. However, the energy will find you wherever you are in the moment. Quite honestly both of my altars sit on pieces of furniture that I placed where they fit best in the room.

You can even have multiple altars. I have one in my home office that I use for daily work and one at the end of the hall to honor my ancestors and spirit guides. I also have a portable altar that I use when I go hiking or to a friend’s.

Feng Shui

Many modern pagans use the ancient Chinese art of placement, Feng Shui, to position their altar. Feng Shui uses mindful decorating techniques to balance and direct the home’s energy.

Feng Shui teaches that we should declutter – both our homes and our minds. Place your altar in a “clean” space. Have a place where you are able to sit and not be distracted by other objects in the room.

Practitioners of Feng Shui also state you should place your altar facing a door or a window. This is so the deities may come and go as they please.

Some things to consider

 What Should You Use For An Altar?

My main altar, pictured above, is an antique dresser that was in my bedroom when I was a teenager. I love it because I use the drawers to store my ritual and divination tools, crystals, and supplies.

My ancestor altar is an antique desk that belonged to my grandmother so very appropriate.

These pieces of furniture suit me well however you can use any space that works for you.

Some things/places that can make a good altar:

Check out my YouTube channel and my video below with an explanation of what’s on my altar.

What Should I Put on My Altar?

Your altar may be simple or very elaborate. It will reflect you and your spiritual goals.

Altars change with the season and what you may be working on. When I say “working on” I am referring to what magical or spiritual goals you are working to attain, ancestors you are speaking to, or prayers to a deity.

Read our article 19 Ritual Tools To Enhance Your Practice


List of Items for Your Pagan Altar


Connect to the Elements

Natural Objects for The Alter

As pagans, we have a deep connection with Mother Earth. In our worship and our rituals, we often use natural objects to symbolize our connections with the natural world and draw in natures healing energy.

List of Natural Representations For A Pagan Altar

How Often Should I Change My Altar?

You can change your altar as often as you like. It is your personal workspace. I change my alter each lunar month. These changes help keep me focused and allow me to grow spiritually.

How to Add and Remove Things from Your Altar 

Each time you add or remove things from your altar is a time of reflection. It should not be done like it’s a housekeeping chore. Organize your altar with reverence.

Take a deep breath and center yourself in the moment. Exhale out the tension of the world.

Start by lighting a white candle that symbolizes purity and spiritual enlightenment. Pass each item in front of the candle and then sprinkle it with your salt. This cleanses the object.

As you remove objects thank them for their use. As you add objects ask for continued guidance.

The Ancestor Altar

Communicating with ancestors may be an important part of your practice. It helps to have an area dedicated to that. An ancestor altar serves the purpose of having treasures that represent your ancestors, whether they are genetic or ones you have adopted into your practice.

The ancestor altar may contain pictures, objects that are symbolic, the ashes of a deceased loved one, or family heirlooms.

The Family Altar

Pagan families often have a family altar in a communal room and individual altars in bedrooms. The living room or a hallway make good places for family altars that absorb the energy from the family activities.

Read our article on making Family and Children’s Altars


Portable Altars

Some pagans and witches are still in the broom closet. This is the term we use to say that they have chosen not to share their faith with others at this time. They may be young people who feel it would upset their families if they knew about their spiritual path.

An altar can be placed on a shelf in a closet where it is unnoticed by others. You can even make an altar in a shoebox. The shoebox can be closed and tucked away when you are not using it.

A portable altar is also a great way to take your religion into the wilderness. I do a lot of hiking and kayaking. I take a small alter kit with me that actually fits snuggly in my backpack.

My kit contains a washcloth or other small cloth to place my objects on, two pill bottles that contain salt and water, two or three small jar candles (being careful and mindful with any outdoor flames), a compass for 4 directions work, and sometimes crystals.

Then I often pick up some natural objects around me. This may be a stone, leaf, or feather – whatever catches my eye.

Outdoor Altars

Outdoor altars are special because they really bring that connection to nature and can inspire you. Nature often brings feelings of peace and tranquility out in us.

An outdoor altar may be as convenient as your back porch, under a favorite tree, in your garden space, or in a nearby park. As we discussed above travel alter is great when exploring outdoor spaces.

Trees make great natural altars. Trees have a calming presence, and their roots go down into the earth gathering energy. Different species of trees have different types of energy.

You can place a large flat rock at the base of the tree for your altar. Place natural elements, crystals, and an offering for the local wildlife on your altar.


A cairn is a grouping of rocks. Traditionally they were placed on a hilltop or near the ocean to mark the way for travelers. In addition, cairns are often used as burial markers.

The Gaelic word carn means heap of stones. One of the oldest surviving cairns is Clava Cairns in Scotland which is about 4000 years old.

Cairns often look like works of art which is the point. They are the deliberate placement of the stones done in a mindful manner.

You can make a cairn a focal point for worship. Locate rocks that you can use to build a dome, tower, or make a meaningful order. As you work on your cairn honor the creation and focus on the balance of the natural world.

Do you want to learn more about what pagan holidays happen and when? Check out our Pagan Celebration Calendar!

Altar For A Deity

You may create an altar to worship a specific deity. Your altar may have a picture or statue of the deity, natural objects that represent them, and candles in colors that are symbolic.

Check out our resources page for a free download of candle colors and what they represent.

Author, Ame Vanorio, is a lifelong pagan and founded CPH to build a pagan community and help other pagans learn new skills and celebrate pagan holidays.

How to Setup a Norse Pagan Altar ( Complete list of supplies needed )

An altar is a space that you create for yourself that will represent your relationship with the gods. Our Norse ancestors had altars within their homes, often referred to as a Ve. It is a place where you and other members of your household can worship and honor Gods and Goddesses, perform rituals, and meditate.

Norse Gods and Their Spirit Animals

Totemism and animal spirit guides are common in the Nordic religion. Odin, the Allfather, had several animals that assisted him.

In this article, we will talk briefly about the concept of totemism and animal spirit guides. I will then give you a complete list of Norse deities and their mythological animals, totem, or allocated spirit guides

Are There Pagan Angels?

First, let’s get rid of the myth that says Angels belong to the Judeo/Christian belief system. Angels existed long before the Book of Genesis was written.

So yes, there are “pagan” angels in many pre-Christian religions. Pagan angels were notably part of Celtic, Greek, Norse, and Shamen traditions. The difference lies in how we view them.

Challenges of Being a Pagan

There are many challenges to being a pagan. Some of these challenges come from outside your pagan circles such as family and friends. Other challenges may come from inside paganism and include racism or persons that tell you how pagans should worship.

Family Altars

Family altars are a great way to bring families together for worship and spiritual growth. An altar in a common area of the home can include children in daily practice. Lighting candles, telling stories, singing, reciting a poem or blessing are all great ways to worship.
