What goes in dry and hard, but comes out wet and soft? Riddle: Check the Riddle Answer and Solutions

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Solving Riddle is Fun!

Puzzles, riddles, and challenges have become viral in no time as people have been seeking different and fun ways to connect during the lockdown. Such mind-challenging riddles are making rounds on WhatsApp groups and on Social Media. During lockdown and self-quarantine, people are finding ways to pass their time. A lot of people are spending time on their hobbies like reading, cooking, playing indoor games, etc. 

There are many Riddles on the internet, one among them is this riddle. Here you can check the answer along with the explanation and lot more information.

Solving riddles, puzzles, and brain teasers online are one of the many things that the people have identified to spend their time with some productivity. These riddles help one develop critical and analytical skills, and sometimes they are also fun to solve. Amidst the lockdown, more and more puzzles are being shared and one of them is What goes in dry and hard, but comes out wet and soft? Riddle has been doing the rounds on social media.

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Check out What goes in dry and hard, but comes out wet and soft? Riddle

Take a look at the Riddle. The riddle goes as follows:

"What goes dry and hard, but comes out soft and wet?”

Another version goes as follows:

"What goes dry and hard, but comes out soft and sticky?”

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Check the answer to the riddle!

The correct answer to the riddle is “Bubble gum”.

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The right answer to the riddle is bubble gum. Some people have gone for pasta, sponges, spaghetti, tea bags, among many more. But, a Bubble gum goes dry and hard, but comes out soft and sticky.

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