Full Brave Trailer: Pixars Red Head Redemption

Publish date: 2024-05-09

2012 is shaping up to be quite a year for warrior women, between the bow-wielding Katniss of The Hunger Games and the sword-fighting heroines of both Snow White movies. Merida, the flame-tressed protagonist of Pixar’s new film Brave, would have a lot to discuss without those girls: Like Katniss, she’s ace with an arrow, and like the newly liberated Snow Whites, she’s anxious to bust out of her preordained, prince-marrying career path to seek out some adventure. This new, full trailer for Brave skimps some on that action in favor of emphasizing the comedy and general rowdiness that Disney no doubt hopes will coax young boys to the theater to see a “girl’s movie,” but there’s still plenty of Pixar magic on display, and Exhibit A is Merida’s reach-out-and-touch-it curly hair, a technological marvel. Finally, something we can’t wait to see in 3-D.

Full Brave Trailer: Pixar’s Red Head Redemption
